Fostering Saves Lives

Fostering saves lives, but it's not for the faint of heart. As much as we need good fosters, wimps need not apply. In fact, you must have a pretty high tolerance level—or what I like to call a grit level. For example a wimp with a grit level of one would be a family who gives up on a pup, when it decides to potty on their new carpet. Conversely, a grit level of 10 would be someone who just got bit in the face, but decides to carry on anyway. For our cause, we need you to be at grit level 4 or better.

Now, I do not want discourage anyone who wants to step up and foster a pup. However, if you decide to throw your hat in the ring, don't do it to make yourself feel good—or to get a pat on the back. Do it because you realize the dog needs you for the period it will take to get adopted, no matter how long this might take. Yes, no matter how long. In fact, on average, it takes just over 4 months for these furry animals to find their forever home. You must endure barking, jumping, a lot of accidents, chewed up furniture, picky eaters, holes in your garden, early morning walks, adoption events, did I mention accidents and many trips to the vets. Will you receive applause, an award or even a thank you? Hell no! The glow, the reward, must come from within—knowing you helped a deserving soul to survive on this rock we all share. If this is not enough for you—no judgment if it's not—then donate or volunteer at events instead. Nothing wrong with that. However, if the inner peace is not enough, don't waste our time. You do far more harm when you say you will foster and then give up when it's just too ruff ruff or nobody from our organization gives you enough love.

In my world, the dogs are my clients. Yes, I need people. But I am not here to make you feel good or to find you, yes you the human, the perfect pet. I am here to find the pup the perfect family. This endeavour takes a lot of work, with the help of trainers, vets and fosters. Everyone involved is there for the dog. The foster is an integral part of the puzzle and must realize it's not about their comfort level. Once the focus drops off of the pup being fostered the process breaks down and places a burden on the organization trying to adopt the dog. If you don't understand this and you need instant gratification in the spirit of helping, give blood.


  1. I love your mission, your adoption form, your website, and your dog-first attitude. I'm not positive that I'm more than a 4 on the grit level, but I'm willing to meet you and the dogs and find out. I'm interested in adopting for sure, particularly in Florence, Flower, Haleakala, & Violet Lee. I can't wait to meet you all!

  2. I guess I'm a level 9, I've been bitten (by a foster biter) but not in the face. (I'm too nimble)! Took 7 mos for my biter to get adopted. (I miss him)!

  3. I would love to foster a small senior dog but don't

  4. This text is really important, sincere and straightforward. I do agree with everything and I feel so grateful for finding this place to save a life. More people in the world should read this.

  5. This is a great post. Totally understand and get it. Your mission puts the dog as your priority and not the foster family. We hope to be able to help as much as we can until we are ready to adopt.


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